Surgical Dentistry

Bone Augmentation

Are missing teeth causing you embarrassment or concerns about the stability of your dental implants? If so, bone augmentation might be the solution you’ve been seeking. This dental procedure is tailored to improve the health and strength of your jawbone. What is Bone Augmentation? Bone augmentation, also called bone grafting, is a surgical procedure used…

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Surgical Dentistry


Dental extractions may seem intimidating, but with the right knowledge and preparation, you can approach the procedure with confidence. Understanding the reasons for extractions, preparing appropriately, knowing what to expect during the procedure, and following post-extraction care instructions are essential for a smooth recovery. Reasons for Dental Extractions Dental extractions are performed for various reasons,…

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Surgical Dentistry


If you’re considering dental grafts but feeling overwhelmed by information, know that they are a proven and effective solution. They’re widely used to address issues like missing teeth or damaged bone and gum tissue, known for enhancing oral health and restoring function and appearance. What are Dental Grafts? Dental grafts, also known as dental bone…

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Surgical Dentistry

Free Gingival Graft

Embark on a transformative journey to restore your confidence and reveal a radiant smile with the innovative Free Gingival Graft procedure. This groundbreaking dental advancement effectively addresses gum recession, improving both aesthetics and gum functionality. What is a Free Gingival Graft? A free gingival graft is a dental procedure that relocates gum tissue, usually from…

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Surgical Dentistry

Connective Tissue Graft

Are you tired of hiding your smile because of receding gums? Do you dream of restoring your dental health and regaining your confidence? Look no further, because a connective tissue graft could be the solution you’ve been searching for.  What is a Connective Tissue Graft? A connective tissue graft is a procedure aimed at addressing…

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